To analyze a system in a given programming language, Moose must have a meta-model for that language. For example, for Java, the meta-model defines that Java programs have classes, containing methods, invoking other methods, etc. The meta-model describes the entities that compose a program in the given language and how they are related.
In the following, we describe how to create a new meta-model or extend an existing one.
Moose being more specifically dedicated to source code analysis, there are a number of pre-set entities/traits that should help one define new meta-models for a given programming language.
These are described in another page .
- Set up
- Basic meta-model
- Introducing traits
- Additional features
- Introducing submetamodels
- Back to the Generator
- Thanks
Set up
First of all, we need to download Moose version 7 or higher.
The first step is to create a FamixMetamodelGenerator. It will describe our meta-model.
FamixMetamodelGenerator subclass: #DemoMetamodelGenerator
slots: { }
classVariables: { }
package: 'Demo-Model-Generator'
Then we need to configure the generator. We have to specify the package in which the meta-model will be generated.
DemoMetamodelGenerator class >> #packageName
^ #'Demo-Model-generated'
By default the package name will be used as a prefix for the generated classes.
But we can specify a custom prefix by defining the method #prefix
DemoMetamodelGenerator class >> #prefix
^ #'Demo'
Basic meta-model
In this section, we will see how to create a simple meta-model.
To design a meta-model, we need to specify its entities, their relations, and their properties.
You may also consult a presentation of Famix generator from Julien Delplanque.
Define entities
A meta-model is composed of entities.
These entities represent the elements of the model we will manipulate.
To define entities in the generator, we extend the method #defineClasses
Each entity is defined using the generator builder (provided by FamixMetamodelGenerator
) to which we send the the message #newClassNamed:
super defineClasses.
entity := builder newClassNamed: #Entity.
package := builder newClassNamed: #Package.
class := builder newClassNamed: #Class.
method := builder newClassNamed: #Method.
variable := builder newClassNamed: #Variable.
localVariable := builder newClassNamed: #LocalVariable.
attribute := builder newClassNamed: #Attribute.
It is important to comment the entities to help other developers understand our meta-model.
This can be done with the #newClassNamed:comment:
class := builder newClassNamed: #Class comment: 'I represent a Smalltalk class'.
It is also possible to use entities that are already defined in a library of predefined entities or in another meta-model (see submetamodels).
Define hierarchy
Once the entities are defined, the next step is to specify their hierarchy.
binary | definition |
--|> |
Left entity extends (inherits from) the right one |
<|-- |
Right entity extends (inherits from) the left one |
Note that these symbols are actually Pharo binary methods.
One can also use a Pharo keyword method: #generalization:
defining that the receiver extends the parameter (i.e., similar to --|>
The hierarchy is defined in the generator with the method #defineHierarchy
super defineHierarchy.
package --|> entity.
class --|> entity.
method --|> entity.
variable <|-- localVariable.
variable <|-- attribute.
Define relations
Then we will define the relations between the entities. Multiple relations are available in Famix. In the following, we present the relations and the keywords to define them.
method | binary |
#oneToOne | - |
#oneToMany | -* |
#manyToOne | *- |
#manyToMany | *-* |
#containsOne | <>- |
#containsMany | <>-* |
#oneBelongsTo | -<> |
#manyBelongsTo | *-<> |
We can now define the relations between the entities of our meta-model in the method #defineRelations
super defineRelations.
package <>-* class.
class <>-* attribute.
method <>-* localVariable
As for the definition of the entities, it is possible to define a comment for each side of the relation and to use a custom name for the accessors.
super defineRelations.
((package property: #classes) comment: 'The classes inside the package')
((class property: #package) comment: 'The package that contains this class').
Finally, it is possible to set several other properties. Some may be applied on one side of the relation:
- container (the side “contains” the other one, see the different keyword)
- derived (the relation is not part of the model but is computed)
- source (source of an association)
- target (source of an association)
Others can be applied on the relation itself:
- withoutPrimaryContainer (Since an element can only have one container, it allows one to create another containment relation. This relation will not set the method
) - withNavigation (force the relation to appear in the Moose Playground)
Define properties
The last step before generating the model is the definition of the properties of the entities.
A property can be of any type.
It is also possible to define a comment for each property.
Let’s create the method #defineProperties
in our generator:
super defineProperties.
(entity property: #name type: #String)
comment: 'The name of the entity'.
Moose defines the following types for properties:
- Character
- Number
- Fraction
- String
- Symbol
- Boolean
- Object
Using the Object, you will not be able to export the property in .mse and .json (see: import and export model).
We have described our meta-model.
The last step is to actually generate it with: DemoMetamodelGenerator generate
Later, if the description of the meta-model is modified, the generation will only regenerate the modified elements and remove the old ones.
It is possible to force a full (clean) generation of the model with: DemoMetamodelGenerator generateWithCleaning
Introducing traits
Using traits in a meta-model
In addition to the entities, we can use traits to add information to the meta-model. Traits are a flexible tool to avoid problems with multiple inheritances. Traits are defined in the same way as entities. In our previous example, classes are inside a package. However, we forgot that a package can also contain another package, and we need to model that.
First of all, we need to define the traits to create the containment relation of a package.
We declare the trait in the method #defineTraits
super defineTraits.
tPackageable := builder newTraitNamed: #TPackageable comment: 'I can be inside a Package'.
tWithPackages := builder newTraitNamed: #TWithPackages comment: 'I can contains packageable elements'.
Then, we have to change the hierarchy of our entity to add the traits.
super defineHierarchy.
package --|> entity.
package --|> tWithPackages.
package --|> tPackageable.
class --|> entity.
class --|> tPackageable.
method --|> entity.
variable <|-- localVariable.
variable <|-- attribute.
Finally, we define the relations between the traits.
super defineRelations.
package <>-* class.
package <>-* package.
tWithPackages <>-* tPackageable.
class <>-* attribute.
class <>-* method.
method <>-* localVariable
It is also possible to use traits that are already defined in another meta-model (see submetamodels).
Dealing with trait conflict
When a class inherits from two different traits that both defined a method with the same name, there is a conflict between the trait. This is a classic problem when allowing multiple inheritances.
In this example, the class MyClass
uses the traits TraitA
and TraitB
Both traits define the method methodXY
In such a situation, there is a trait conflict.
The Famix Generator proposes two ways to deal with such a problem:
The first one, withPrecedenceOf
, specifies which trait should be used in favor of the other one.
In our case, considering we want to use the methodXY
of TraitA
, the code will look like this:
super defineHierarchy.
myClass --|> traitA.
myClass --|> traitB.
myClass withPrecedenceOf: traitA.
The second option, inheritsFromTrait:without:
, is about using a trait without some methods.
This time, we replace the common --|>
with the new selector, and we specify the method we do not want to use.
The final code will look like this:
super defineHierarchy.
myClass --|> traitA.
myClass inheritsFromTrait: traitB without: #methodXY.
Additional features
Generating default attribute value
When defining properties of entities, you might want to assign them default value. Default value is the value of a property when it is not explicitly assigned in the code that creates the model.
To define a default value, modify the defineProperty
method as follow:
super defineProperties.
bacon property: #isFood type: #Boolean defaultValue: true.
bacon property: #eggs type: #Number defaultValue: 12.
spam property: #isSomething type: #Boolean defaultValue: false
Lazy getters will be generated for those properties.
Note that they are generated by using the value’s string representation.
Non-literal expressions must be written in a string: 'MyObject new'
for MyObject new
String literals must start and end with a single quote: '''hello'''
for 'hello'
Generating test method
When using a model, it is often required to select entities that are of a specified kind.
It is the case when needed all the FamixJavaClass
of a group.
The good practice in Pharo is to use a isXXX
method that is defined at the top of the hierarchy and returns false
Then, one overrides this method for the entity that returns true
To automatically generate the isXXX
methods, the generator comes with the withTesting
In our FamixJavaClass
example, one can modify the FamixJavaGenerator
as follow:
super defineClasses.
class := builder newClassNamed: #Class.
class withTesting.
This creates the following methods:
^ true
^ false
Generating Famix Group
Another nice feature of Moose is the Group.
It allows one to create query and inspector extensions based on the type of a group.
A typed group is a group that contains only elements of a type.
For example, a FamixJavaClassGroup
only contains FamixJavaClass
These kinds of groups are subclasses of MooseSpecializedGroup
and can be created using asMooseSpecializedGroup
on any collections or moose entities.
To generate the group classes, the generator comes with the withGroup
One only needs to use it on the concept defined in the generator.
In our FamixJavaClass
example, one can modify the FamixJavaGenerator
as follow:
super defineClasses.
class := builder newClassNamed: #Class.
class withGroup.
This will generates the following class:
MooseSpecializedGroup subclass: #FamixJavaClassGroup
instanceVariableNames: ''
classVariableNames: ''
package: 'Famix-Java-Entities-Entities'
Generating Custom equality check
You might want (for instance, for optimization purpose) to change the equality check of two model entities.
To do so, you can use the withEqualityCheckOn:
method and a collection of properties to check on.
person property: #firstName type: #String.
person property: #lastName type: #String.
person property: #age type: #Number.
person withEqualityCheckOn: { #firstName. #lastName. #age }.
If you need more deeper comparison, look at the FamixDiff project
Introducing submetamodels
One powerful feature of Famix is the possibility to use submetamodels. It allows one to extend or compose several meta-models.
There are two ways of extending of meta-model:
- Create a generator that extends the first one.
- Create a separate generator that declares another as submetamodel.
Although the first one can be used, when the meta-model is generated, the entities that come from the extended generator will be created two times, in the new generator and in the old one. So, the best way to extend a meta-model is to use the submetamodels. In the following, we present how to configure a generator for submetamodels.
Set up submetamodels
In this example, we will create a new generator that will add the interface entity that will be use to represent an interface. The interface is packageable and contains methods.
Note that it is done in an example. The best way, in this case, would be to modify the previous generator.
First of all, we create a new generator:
FamixMetamodelGenerator subclass: #DemoInterfaceMetamodelGenerator
slots: { }
classVariables: { }
package: 'Demo-InterfaceModel-Generator'
Then we declare our previous generator as submetamodel:
DemoInterfaceMetamodelGenerator class >> #submetamodels
^ { DemoMetamodelGenerator }
We also have to define the
and the#packageName
Define remote entities and traits
Once the generator is configured we can define the entities of the AST meta-model and the entities that come from the Demo meta-model.
To define an entity of another meta-model we used the method #remoteEntity:withPrefix:
The prefix is then the prefix defined for the submetamodel.
super defineEntities.
interface := builder newClassNamed: #Interface.
method := self remoteEntity: #Method withPrefix: #Demo.
In some cases, it may be necessary to define remote traits. Use the method
on the generator.
Define remote hierarchy
To represent the relation of containment of a package on an interface, we use the trait #TPackageable
(see Introducing traits).
Because there is only one trait with this name in the submetamodels, we can use the notation with the symbol instead of defining it in a variable in the “defineEntities” section:
super defineHierarchy.
"use the trait of the other metamodel"
interface --|> #TPackageable.
Define remote relations
Finally, we create the relations between the interface and the methods:
super defineRelations.
((interface property: #methods) comment: 'The methods of the interface')
((method property: #interface) comment: 'The interface that own me').
In the meta-model we can add properties and relations to the remote entity (of the sub-meta-model). However, it is not possible to modify the super-class of the remote entity or to add a trait to it.
Complementary information
Set custom composed meta-model to a model
You might need to assign to a model a meta-model built manually (because you created multiple meta-model generators but not comprising all the entities you wanna represent at once). It is thus possible to manually create a meta-model and then assign it. For, retrieve all the meta-model you want to merge. Then, build the full meta-model. Finally, assigned it to the model.
myMetamodel := FMMetaModelBuilder metamodelFromPackages:
CSNBModel packagesToProcessToCreateMetamodel,
CRFModel packagesToProcessToCreateMetamodel.
model metamodel: myMetamodel.
Several primary containers
In our example, an interface contains methods and a class contains methods, too.
However, it is not possible to have two main containers for an entity (see Define relations).
In this case, we can either declare the relation “interface <>-* method” without a primary container, or define
two Traits in the first meta-model.
One would be #TMethod
and the other #TWithMethods
Back to the Generator
FamixNG offers two super-classes to create a generator:
(a sub-class of the other one) In this page, we used the first one (FamixMetamodelGenerator
) which is the basic one: it has no entity predefined and we need to declare everything
Generator super-classes
on the other hand is specialized for meta-models of programming languages.
It has several entities already defined, for example:
that uses#TSourcedEntity
that uses#TNamedEntity
that inherits fromsourcedEntity
and uses#TComment
that uses#TSourceAnchor
and is therefore used bySourcedEntity
to have access to the actuall source code of an entity. - …
This means that in a generator inheriting from FamixBasicInfrastructureGenerator
, we can write in #defineHierarchy
myEntity --|> namedEntity.
Doing this, myEntity
will inherit from a NamedEntity
that we did not define (it is provided by FamixBasicInfrastructureGenerator
) and that has a name
Most entities that we define in a programming language meta-model have a name and will therefore inherit from this namedEntity
Advanced sub-meta-model
The meta-models for C and C++ use the two generator super-classes. The meta-models are defined so that C++ meta-model “extends” C meta-model (i.e. C-meta-model is a sub-meta-model of C++ meta-model).
The C meta-model generator inherits from FamixBasicInfrastructureGenerator
because it represents a programming language.
Therefore it comes with the predefined entities mentionned above.
C++ meta-model is also for a programming language, but the generator is a sub-class of the simpler FamixMetamodelGenerator
to avoid redefining the entities NamedEntity
, SourcedEntity
, or Comment
Otherwise we would have had two Comment, one for C and one for C++ and they would have been in different inheritance hierarchy (i.e. “incompatible”).
Instead in the C++ generator, we say that the C meta-model is a sub-meta-model of the C++ meta-model.
And in the #defineClasses
, we recover the entities defined automatically for the C meta-model and that way we can use them in C++ as we would normally do for a language meta-model generated from a subclass of FamixBasicInfrastructureGenerator
entity := self remoteEntity: #Entity withPrefix: #FamixC.
sourceAnchor := self remoteEntity: #SourceAnchor withPrefix: #FamixC.
namedEntity := self remoteEntity: #SourceLanguage withPrefix: #FamixC.
This wiki page is inspired by the FamixNG booklet.