
VerveineJ is a tool written in java that create a json or a mse file from Java source code.


To install VerveineJ, you need to clone it form VerveineJ github repositiory. You might prefer the latest released version.

# https
git clone

# ssh
git clone


Quick start

To use VerveineJ, you can use Famix Maker External documentation or from a terminal.

From the terminal on Unix systems, you can use command line as follows:

./ -o MyProject.mse -autocp ../MyProjectDependenciesOrLib/ ../MyProjectSrcFolder/

On Windows, you should use verveinej.bat instead of

To use the JSON file format, you can specify the output format of VerveineJ:

./ -o MyProject.json -format json -autocp ../MyProjectDependenciesOrLib/ ../MyProjectSrcFolder/


In the following, we describe the options of VerveineJ.


VerveineJ [-h] [-i] [-format (mse|json)] [-prettyPrint] [-o <output-file-name>] [-summary] [-alllocals] [-anchor (none|default|assoc)] [-cp CLASSPATH | -autocp DIR] [-1.1 | -1 | -1.2 | -2 | ... | -1.7 | -7] <files-to-parse> | <dirs-to-parse>"

VerveineJ options description
-h prints this message
-i toggles incremental parsing on (can parse a project in parts that are added to the output file)
-format (mse|json) specifies the output format (default: MSE)
-prettyPrint toggles the usage of the json pretty printer
-o <output-file-name> specifies the name of the output file (default: ouput.mse)
-summary toggles summarization of information at the level of classes. Summarizing at the level of classes does not produce Methods, Attributes, Accesses, and Invocations. Everything is represented as references between classes: e.g. “A.m1() invokes B.m2()” is uplifted to “A references B”.
-alllocals Forces outputing all local variables, even those with primitive type (incompatible with “-summary”)
-anchor (none|entity|default|assoc) options for source anchor information: - no entity - only named entities [default] - named entities+associations (i.e. accesses, invocations, references)
-cp CLASSPATH classpath where to look for stubs
-autocp DIR gather all jars in DIR and put them in the classpath
-filecp FILE gather all jars listed in FILE (absolute paths) and put them in the classpath
-excludepath GLOBBINGEXPR A globbing expression of file path to exclude from parsing
-1.1 | -1 | -1.2 | -2 | ... | -1.7 | -7 specifies version of Java
<files-to-parse>|<dirs-to-parse> list of source files to parse or directories to search for source files

Advanced Options

Dealing with accent in code

It is possible to parse code with accent using a Java vm option.

To do so, add the encoding before a double dash --. For example:

./ -Dfile.encoding=ISO-8859-1 -- -format json <...>

Using docker

It is also possible to use VerveineJ with Docker. Please look at the repository documentation.